Taylor Canyon to Malan’s Spring

Taylor Canyon is a popular hiking area in Ogden, about an hour north of Salt Lake City. I ventured up there to hike with a friend and their pup in February! We didn’t initially have a particular distance in mind. We met at the 27th street trailhead and hiked up Taylor Canyon from there. When we got to the Malan’s Basin Trail split, we decided to venture up to Malan’s Spring. The trail map for this route is now available on All Trails. Its approximately 1.9 miles from the 27th Street trailhead to Malan’s Spring, and has around 700 feet of elevation gain.

Taylor Canyon Trail

Taylor Canyon to Malan’s Spring

The 27th Street trailhead has lots of different trails at the beginning. They all eventually converge into Taylor Canyon Trail. Hiking in February means snow, and possibly ice, on the trails. And we got a TON of it on this hike. The dogs had an absolute blast running around in the deep snow. During the warmer months Taylor Canyon offers lots of creek access for both dogs and humans alike.

A short detour off Malan’s Basin Trail, you can hike down a steep section of trail to see Malan’s Spring. With all the snow and ice, we were sliding down this detour on our butts. It was definitely a sight to see, we cracked our-selves up doing it. But the spring was a really cool and worth the trouble! Microspikes were 100% needed to get back up to the main trail, and as always they live in my backpack during the winter.

The funniest story for this hike is that I actually ended up loosing one of my microspikes. It came off my shoe about half way back up to the main trail. To get it back we used the dogs to go retrieved the microspike, which they did! However, we thought it was so cute they actually retrieved it we wanted to recreate the moment for the camera. Needless to say it did not work out in our favor and that microspike is still living on that trail to this day.

The hike ended with a quick trip to “The Pond” where the dogs got to play in the water! Another popular summer spot for dogs and humans alike. As typical for most of my Utah blogs, a video send-out is necessary, so check it out below!

If you like what you a reading check out the rest of my and Winters’ adventures around the great state of Utah here!


  1. DavyJones says:

    Another cool hike!!

    1. Emily Innes says:

      Fun, short and easy hike for the weekend!

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