South Deuel Creek Trail – Centerville

Waking up bright and early is the theme for hiking in the summer in and around the Salt Lake Valley. It avoids the heat for sure, but you definitely need to pack a head lamp! Winter and I and our friends completed the Deuel Creek Trail hike at the end of July 2021! Its a fun hike with a rope swing about half way up, and a great waterfall at the top of the hike. All Trails has the south deuel creek trail hike listed at 4.8 miles with 1200 feet elevation gain.

Deuel Creek Trail - Centerville Utah

Deuel Creek Trail

To get to the trailhead you get to the end of the paved road and keep going up the mountain. Doing this drive at night gave awesome views of the Salt Lake Valley in the dark, but its also slightly sketchy if you don’t know where you are going. The trail starts out easy and has a steady incline the entire time. Shortly after the trail head there is a narrow section of the trail that has a steep drop off, and a little farther into the trail you get to do a little rock scramble. If you don’t know where you are going it is easy to feel like you are off the trail. It’s even easier to feel that way in the dark!

About half way back on the deuel creek trail you get to the rope swing! We channeled our inner child and stop to play for a little. Winter thought it was the worlds best tug toys. After the rope swing the trail continued and we discovered all the wild raspberry plants, they made for a great trail snack since no-one had eaten breakfast yet!

The waterfall a the top of the trail was gorgeous! We ventured to the top of the waterfall for some great views back down the canyon! Then we bush wacked down to the base to get some cute photos. Of course the photos featured the dogs and we conveniently forgot to take any group photos of the humans. Super typical of us.

Before you go

Deuel Creek Trail

Like I said above, if you don’t know where you are going to get to the south deuel creek trailhead it is easy to think you took a wrong turn. You drive to the end of the pavement of E 100 S in Centerville and then drive on a dirt road up with mountain an little before you get to the trail head parking. The trailhead has tons of parking! Another huge plus is there is no fee associated with this trail!

If you have never hiked Deuel Creek Trail before I highly recommend starting the hike during the day. We got to the trailhead around 5AM, and were off the trail by 7:30AM even with our longer stops at the rope swing and waterfall.

Enjoying all of Winter and my adventures? Check out more hiking and trips we have taken on our archives page! And more hikes across Utah are also featured here!


  1. DavyJones says:

    Sounds like a great trail that is free. Awesome job getting up early and out early before the heat.

    1. Emily Innes says:

      Thank you! It was a blast, and a nice quick morning hike!

  2. 3concentrations

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