Grandeur Peak East from Church Fork

I would be lying through my teeth if I told you this hike was easy for me. It was NOT. For the dogs however, they probably did the trail 2X over. There are two options to get to the top of Grandeur Peak, Winter and I chose the one that leaves from Church Fork in Mill Creek Canyon. All Trails lists the hike as 5.9 miles with about 2,400 feet elevation gain. The day we hiked to Grandeur Peak the trailhead parking was closed so it added 0.5 miles to the hike. You’ll likely be starting from Mill Creek Canyon Road. The addition makes the r/t around 6.5 miles per All Trails. In total, I tracked the hike at closer to 7.2 miles in distance.

Grandeur Peak Trail Head

Grandeur Peak from Mill Creek Canyon

Waterfall along Church Fork Creek Road

Winter had a pupper friend staying with us through the weekend who joined us for the hike up Grandeur Peak! Starting from Mill Creek Canyon Road we hiked through the day-use picnic area for Church Fork Creek. This section of the “hike” features a waterfall and weaves across the creek a few times. You can choose to follow the road the entire way up or cut through on the trails between the picnic areas. Either way will get you to the actual trail head. Its a short jaunt up to the pipeline trail and then you continue straight onto Grandeur Peak Trail and start heading up to the peak.

The first 1/3 of the trail is lush and green with huge trees and follows along the creek. The dogs had the best time adventuring down to the water to splash around. They also enjoyed running up and down the trail since it was wider in this section.

About 1 mile into the hike the trail turned away from the creek and shortly after left the tree cover. The rest of the hike is shrubby with very little shade. The day Winter and I tackled this hike it was really overcast, which made this portion of the hike more enjoyable. About 1.5 miles into the trail there is a section that is super rocky. But we quickly managed that section and continued on to the peak.

Winter was cruising up the trail with her buddy. Meanwhile, I started to slow down a bit as we got closer and closer to the peak. The last quarter of mile to the peak was the worst for me. It became a complete mental game, but I was not going to stop when I could see the top. The views were 100% worth the effort, both looking back up Mill Creek Canyon and out over the Salt Lake Valley.

We rushed down off the peak pretty quickly because a thunder storm had rolled in and the lightening started up. The hike down was a quick one because we were doing our best to get out of the rain. To say Winter was pissed about the rain would be an understatement. She loves swimming but the HATES the rain. We got back to the car in record time, I was basically running down the trail. The dogs did enjoy the mud – as I say a muddy dog is a happy dog. We quickly headed home and everyone got a bath and cuddles on the couch.

Before you go

Grandeur Peak
Kisses from Winter on Grandeur Peak

The Church Fork trailhead to Grandeur Peak is accessible year round. In the winter season you have to start at the main road where overflow parking is located. Trail head parking is super limited so plan for the extra half mile regardless.

Mill Creek Canyon does charge a fee per vehicle. It is just $5 and they do offer a year pass as well! You pay on your way out of the canyon.

A huge plus to this canyon as well is they allow dogs off-leash on ODD days. So for example: 2/13, 2/15, etc. you can have your dog off-leash. EVEN days the trails require dogs on leash, and they allow mountain biking on these day as well. Another convenient benefit is toilets at each trailhead. The canyon has TONS of hiking options year-round, and even more during the summer and fall seasons when the winter gate is open! If you drive to the winter gate during the winter, they groom the road for cross country skiing and snow shoeing! The options are endless in Mill Creek Canyon.

Enjoying all of Winter and my adventures? Check out more hiking and trips we have taken on our archives page! More hikes in Mill Creek Canyon and across Utah are also featured here!


  1. DavyJones says:

    Nice Hike… way to go pushing through to the end!! Winter’s pic at the top has her looking a little concerned about you… Of course the one of her on trail coming down in the rain looks shows all her hatred of rain. She loves those kisses… Once again Great article Emily.

    1. Emily Innes says:

      It was great! Winter definitely loves giving kisses.

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